2020 - Year of The Bodysuit | Authent/Ink

2020 is the best year to start that big tattoo project you’ve always wanted to start!

With lockdowns happening, movements restricted, travel bans, capacity restrictions in cafes and border closures, and international holidays cancelled, many of us have found ourselves with an unusually high bank  balance in our savings account.

So we are marking 2020 as the Year of the Bodysuit! Many of our clients are seizing this opportunity to get large scale, custom Traditional Japanese suit tattoo well and truly underway!

To sweeten the deal further, if you are working from home, the healing process is so much easier! Wearing comfy clothes, airing out your tattoos and getting rest is the best way to heal your new tattoos. So you are guaranteed to get a good result!

We have 3 Traditional Japanese tattoo artists Specialists in our studio that have dedicated their lives to pursuing perfection in freehand tattoo designs, and immersing themselves in the rich Japanese culture of mythology and symbolism.

If you would like to enquire more about starting your Traditional Japanese Bodysuit journey, you can contact us via our enquiry form here

Or read more about irezumi and horimono here

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