Full Time Artist
James Jing
Experience: 2018
James was born in China and has been studying art since he was a child, he came to Australia when he was 15 years old and decided to get a tertiary education, graduating from The University Of New South Wales.
He had his first tattoo at the age of 19 and immediately felt engaged with tattoo culture. He started his tattooing journey during his university time back in 2017. He found and completed an apprenticeship within Hottattoo studio in Beijing.
After James finished his apprenticeship he started tattooing in Sydney and developed his own clientele amongst University students. Once he graduated from university, he decided to become a full time tattoo artist to fully express his love and dedication in the tattoo industry and has now joined Authentink Studio to further his career.
He is proficient in all styles, and is keen to take on a new challenge, which will push his creativity to create something unique and memorable. His attention to detail and patience for perfection, makes him create stunning tattoos, particularly favouring fine lines and highly detailed tattoos.
James is a native mandarin speaker, and can create custom Chinese calligraphy tattoos.
在完成纹身课程后,他回到悉尼致力于在大学生群体中开发自己的客户。历经几年的积累与钻研,在他大学毕业后,毅然选择将纹身事业进行到底。饱含着对纹身一如既往的热诚与专注, 加盟Authentink Studio,成为旗下的一名纹身艺术家。