The Ancient and Beautiful Art of Traditional Japanese Tattoos

Authentink SBS

In conjunction with the Perseverance Exhibition coming to town, brought in by the Japanese Foundation and the Art Gallery of NSW, Kian Horisumi Forreal was approached by SBS to give his insight into the mysterious would of traditional Japanese tattoos.  The full article can be found here…

“Japanese tattoo has got a rich cultural history – it’s powerful, it’s strong, it’s classic and timeless,” Horisumi tells SBS.

“The actual art itself is all based on 17th and 18th century block prints. You can look at a Japanese tattoo done 50 years ago or last week and it still has the same relevance and power. It’s not dated.”

The exhibition, curated by Japanese-American tattoo artist Takahiro (Ryudaibori) Kitamura, and photographed by artist and photographer Kip Fulbeck, focusses on tattoo works by seven internationally acclaimed tattoo artists: Horishiki, Horitomo, Junii, Miyazo, Ryudaibori (formerly Horitaka), Shige and Yokohama Horiken. Below are some of the works that will be on show

Kian Forreal Perseverance

Kian Forreal SBS

Kian Forreal SBS

Kian Forreal SBS

Kian Forreal SBS


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