Horisumi Wait list and information Update - Authent/Ink

Greetings, just a little update about my current wait times, availability and everything else relating to my personal tattoo work.

I currently do all my outlines by machine, with shading and color by tebori hand poke: tebori hurts much less than machine and has a more solid and traditional look but is a bit slower for highly detailed pieces.
My consult wait times  for large work at the moment is around 3-6 months. It fluctuates depending on how many clients I have on the go and how big their projects are but the above is my current estimate. If you’re after a full backpiece or a bodysuit then I’ll consult with you right away and we can talk about your project and get the preliminaries under way. Email me for all tattoo inquiries.
Horisumi (at) Authentink.com or use the contact form here

Small one-point tebori tattoos (single session work)
 1-4 months depending on availability

Large Japanese style work – Backs, sleeves, legs, chest, ribs etc
  1-6 months wait time for a consultation.
We usually begin tattooing within 8-12 months of your consult.

Full Traditional Japanese Bodysuit
– Next available consult to discuss ideas and commitment. Serious inquiries only please.

If you have already been tattooed by Horisumi with large Japanese work you usually only have to wait for the next available slot to get a consult and do not have to go on the wait list again.

Thats all for now… if I forgot anything I will do a follow up post or put something in the comments! Thanks for looking and have a great weekend!

After 14 years of charging the same rates per hour and not raising them through thick and thin, my studio rent has doubled, my studio bills have increased and the cost of living has increased.  So in line with what my peers and fellow studios are charging and in line with the current overheads of running a business  my hourly rate will go up on July 1 2022, with a grace period until Jan 1, 2023 for work already in progress.

Thank you for understanding 

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